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New Hope Inc., creating communities free from violence and exploitation.
Concerned-looking immigrant mother with her young, smiling child.
Young adult of color in wheelchair, with symbols for physical, sensory, intellectual and emotional disabilities.
A middle-aged LGBQTIA+2 identified person listens to partner speak as they sit together face to face.

Welcome! Bienvenidos! Bem-vindo!

Everyone knows someone affected by sexual and domestic violence. Whether it is you, a loved one, or an acquaintance, we want you to know that no matter the identity of the person who is seeking services and support, that you are valued and accepted at New Hope.

New Hope’s vision is for everyone to live free from violence and exploitation. It is our mission to serve everyone who is in need of our assistance, and to center populations that have been unserved, underserved, or inadequately served, such as the immigrant and LGBTQIA+2 communities, and people with disabilities. We are constantly working to improve access so that everyone who contacts New Hope receives culturally- relevant, linguistically-appropriate services and supports.

Persons Living with Disabilities

You Are Welcome Here. New Hope provides free, confidential services and support to anyone affected by sexual and domestic violence, including people with disabilities. It doesn’t matter if we can or can’t “see” a person’s disability – we want every person to have meaningful access to what we offer.

We work in collaboration with the Arc of Bristol County to ensure that we are serving survivors with disabilities in the most informed way possible.

It doesn’t matter
if we can or can’t “see”
a person’s disability.

LGBTQIA+2-identified Persons

You Are Welcome Here. New Hope provides free, confidential services and support to everyone affected by sexual and domestic violence, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+2. Know that identifying as LGBTQIA+2 does not disqualify a person from any of the services and supports we offer.

We understand that
LGBTQIA+2 relationships
aren’t the same
as heterosexual ones,
and we don’t treat them that way.

Our trained counselors and advocacy staff are here to support you on your path towards hope and healing.

From 2020-2023, New Hope received technical assistance from The Network/La Red, to support us in providing relevant and inclusive services and supports to this community. We also seek to center this community as a part of our agency’s strategic priorities for our 2024 fiscal year.

You Are Welcome Here. New Hope provides free, confidential services and support to anyone affected by sexual and domestic violence, including immigrants. We do not ask for a person’s immigration status, and we will never disclose the information to government agencies. Being undocumented does not disqualify a person from any of the services and supports we offer.

Currently, we have counselors and advocates who speak both English and Spanish. With the support of our Language Access Plan, we are able to assist people in other languages through an interpretation service. Our trained counselors and advocates are here to support survivors on their path towards hope and healing.

We do not ask
for a person’s immigration status,
and we will never disclose
this information
to government agencies.

Centering immigrants and people who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) is a priority of New Hope’s. Our goal is to expand access to culturally-relevant services and supports in other languages, and is reflected in our strategic priorities for fiscal year 2024. In collaboration with the Taunton Diversity Network, we are working on a grant-funded project to provide services to BIPOC-identified sexual assault survivors in the Taunton, MA area.

For more information, contact us.

Eres Bienvenido Aquí. New Hope brinda servicios y apoyo gratuitos y confidenciales a cualquier persona afectada por violencia sexual y doméstica, incluyendo los inmigrantes. No solicitamos el estatus migratorio de una persona y nunca revelaremos la información a agencias gubernamentales. Ser indocumentado no descalifica a una persona.

Actualmente, contamos con consejeros y defensores que hablan tanto inglés como español. Con el apoyo de nuestro El Plan de Acceso Lingüístico, podemos ayudar a personas a través de un servicio de interpretación. Nuestros consejeros capacitados y nuestro personal de defensa están aquí para apoyar a los sobrevivientes en su camino hacia la esperanza y sanacion.

No preguntamos el estatus migratorio
de una persona, y nunca revelaremos
esta información
a agencias gubernamentales.

Nos centramos en los inmigrantes y las personas que se identifican como negros, indígenas y de color (BIPOC) es una prioridad de New Hope. Nuestro objetivo es ampliar el acceso a servicios y apoyos culturalmente relevantes en idiomas, y se refleja en nuestras prioridades estratégicas para el año fiscal 2024. En colaboración con Taunton Diversity Network, estamos trabajando en un proyecto financiado con subvenciones para brindar servicios a sobrevivientes de agresión sexual identificados por BIPOC en el área de Taunton, MA. Contáctenos.

Language Access Plan

How does New Hope come alongside you?
We provide:

Call our 24/7 Hotline


Our advocates assist callers with confidential crisis intervention, risk assessment & safety planning.

Survivor Services Free of Charge


There is no cost for survivor services.

Sexual Assault Medical Advocacy


We provide trained SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Advocates to survivors of sexual assault. Locations: Morton & Sturdy Hospitals.

Community Advocacy


Community advocates assist individuals with finding resources to enhance their safety while staying in their home community.



Trained counselors work with children, adolescent & adult survivors of Sexual & Domestic Violence.

Court Advocacy


Advocates are stationed in 7 district courts & one probate court to assist individuals with obtaining restraining & harassment orders.

Emergency Shelter


We provide individuals and familes of all identities a safe haven in New Hope’s two confidential emergency shelters.

Learn more about New Hope’s services for Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence

Call Us / Llámanos 1-800-323-HOPE (4673)
TTY Dial 711

Safety Exit