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hearing, please dial 711.

August is Don't Be a Bully Month

Did you know that there is a connection between bullying and sexual and domestic violence? Studies have shown that children who have experienced or witnessed violence at home are more likely to participate in bullying. In addition, a significant percentage of adults who have caused harm through sexual and/or domestic violence reported that they engaged in bullying behaviors in their youth. Prevention is the key to ending violence in all of its forms. New Hope’s prevention education and outreach team provides education to schools, organizations, and community members around topics related to violence prevention. Additionally, through New Hope’s RESPECT program, we work closely with people who cause harm in their intimate partnerships to end the cycle of violence. For more information, contact us at education@new-hope.org. Together we can work to create communities free of violence and exploitation.

August 9th is The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

About 200 groups of Indigenous/Native peoples live in voluntary isolation, which has enabled them to preserve their culture. Because they rely on their environment to survive, any disruption to it could affect their survival. Did You Know? New Hope, Inc. has been in partnership with Indigenous/Native sexual and domestic violence organizations both locally and nationally to increase our capacity to provide culturally relevant services to those who identify as Indigenous/Native.

Show Your Support

Wear your support for New Hope proudly while helping people achieve safe, happy, healthy lives!

NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE: Holiday and New Hope Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, Mugs, Water Bottles and more.

Proceeds from sales go to supporting programs for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence survivors.

FY2023 Impact Report is here!

Check out what New Hope was up to in FY2023 in our new Impact Report.

24/7 access to free support and resources

For immediate assistance call the hotline
1-800-323-HOPE (4673)

Community Resources

Training and Education


Safety Exit